Monday, August 29, 2005
Phillips HE592 Ear Buds

Since I bought my shuffle I wear ear buds at least 6 hours out of everyday; the Apple buds that come with the shuffle are ok, but they really start to become uncomfortable after hours of use. So I headed to bestbuy to try my luck at finding some comfortable looking earbuds at a comfortable looking price. After looking and looking and thinking and wondering and looking, I decided to give a try to the Phillips HE592 for $20.
Here is my quick review of the Phillips HE592. As soon as you put these in your ear you quickly forget they are there. Comfortable and stable they sit snug in your ear, and come with 2 sizes of plugs to ensure a good fit. Once I had the ear buds in I quickly noticed the cord; its short on the left side and long on the right side, instead of the usual "Y" cord I was used to. I still haven't figured out a good reason for this, but at least that's the only bad part of these buds. I soon forgot about the silly cord and pressed play. The sound quality is excellent, noticeably better than Apple's stock earbuds. I did read one review saying that the speaker output was seriously lacking in bass, but what kind of person wants there shoes to rumble from the bass of your earbuds. All and All, these get a 4 out of 5.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Apple es muy bueno

Today after downloading Quick Time 7 preview 3 I stumbled upon the huge list of Trailers on Including 2 Trailers in hd format with amazing quality. The latest version of QuickTime is needed for the new format, but it is a great way to get use out of your expensive broadband connection.
Some other trailers to check out: Rent, Cars, A Scanner Darkly, Doom, Stay, and Aeon Flux.
Cartman the Aristocrat

"You guys want to her a funny joke my grandpa told me?"
Everyone loves southpark and in this almost sketchy short nothing is held back while telling the classic aristocrat joke.
Rated R
Quicktime needed
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Urine Charge

Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Sin CIty DVD Review has an awesome review recently released Sin City DVD. One of my favorite movies of this year!
Go rent it, Go buy it, go see it!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Tall Tails of a Trip Down the Mississippi

Picture this, 1 pontoon boat, 2 Botsfords, 2 founders of Green Glass Inc, and 1 long ass trip down the Mississippi; starting at La Crosse, WI and finishing in Memphis, TN. We have to thank the lord for the internet otherwise this story wouldn't be easily told. Mile after mile you can only imagine, the trials and tribulations of there journey. A blog was formed; stories, pictures, sites, and ramblings. All wonderful in my eyes. Check it out here. Some pictures can be found here.

Once a day I like to migrate a couple of clicks towards A daily vlog (video log) with Amanda Congdon. You never know what will be covered, you never know what will be said. Always interesting and usually makes me laugh. I guess I have to admit, Amanda is pretty hot. So go check out todays clip, and if you are really bored stumble back on the booms of yesterday.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
10 MPH The Movie

A movie about 2 guys who crossed America cruising on a Segway. This really grabs my attention because of some travelers I know. These guys don't really look very hardcore, just your everyday geek. Which makes me wonder how well they held up during the long journey. I think this is a great idea and was probably fun, but I can't imagine it making a whole lot of cash. Trailer Photos

Sunday, August 14, 2005
Lord of War

The film, based on fact, follows the globetrotting exploits of arms dealer Yuri Orlov (NICOLAS CAGE). Through some of the deadliest war zones, Yuri struggles to stay one step ahead of a relentless Interpol agent (ETHAN HAWKE), his business rivals, even some of his customers who include many of the world's most notorious dictators. Finally, Yuri must also face his own conscience. This has to be one of the coolest movie posters I've ever seen.
Trailers - Large - Small
Friday, August 12, 2005
My Hip Hop Family

"Adam "TLS" Pingel was born in Appleton, WI in 1979. Being the youngest of four brothers, he was introduced to hip-hop music sooner than he might have been otherwise. His first memories of the music that would ultimately change his life were around 1986. The Run-DMC album, Raising Hell, and Beastie Boys Licensed to Ill were both influences on TLS at a young age. As time went by, he continued to listen to hip-hop, while most of his friends were listening to Guns N' Roses. As he got older his influences grew to include A Tribe Called Quest, The Pharcyde, Black Sheep, Cypress Hill, Gangstarr, Das EFX, and the Wu-Tang Clan. TLS began writing full length songs by the time he was in 6th grade, and began MCing at parties by 8th grade. When he was 16, he was officially known to people around his hometown as "the kid who rapped." Shortly after he graduated high school, he recorded his first demo CD... (via bio)
Last weekend I attended his wedding, it was the best church service I have ever attended. With songs like "Waiting On An Angel" Ben Harper and "The Way You Make Me Feel" Michael Jackson I couldn't help bouncing in the church pew. Later at the reception he performed "Crazy". The confused faces of my overly religious family made me smile. A+ for not being traditional.
You can find some of his music here
some of my favorites include - crazy, addictions, dirty ear, and another sleepless night
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Futuristic Bicycles

These concept bikes are amazing...
This link is full of pictures and descriptions of some the craziest engineered bicycles I have ever seen. A must see.
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Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Shuffle 'em up!

Quite a while ago when the shuffle came out, I told myself I would get one when the price dropped enough to be considered reasonable. So last week when I came across one on ebay for only $50 for the 512mb I had to get it. It's just so sleek and tiny and now it's sitting in the palm of my hand.
DAY 1 review: My tiny little friend and I set out for a full day of work; with about 150 songs on my belt I was curious to see if I would here a song twice all day, and if the battery would handle 8 hours straight. Surprise, surprise, I don't recall hearing a single duplicated song, and the battery light shows that it is still at almost full juice. Like any device it has its faults,, all of which I was aware of before hand. Coming across a great new song you have never heard before can be frustrating considering you don't have a screen telling you what the track is. Also iTunes is required for loading your songs(there are other ways but the shuffle was designed to work only with iTunes)this has it's good points and its bad points. Bad - all of your mp3's must be converted into the aac format when loading them, this means it can take several minutes to load your songs. Good - iTunes will change the bitrate of your songs to 128 if you want while converting to aac, this means you can pack more songs into your player. Also good, iTunes can randomly choose songs from your music library to fill your shuffle in just one click.
All and all, after day 1 I'm happy with my purchase, and I recommend it to anyone that needs a mp3 player that is tiny and light to carry around all day.
Nike Creates Shoeless Shoes

Of course, Nike is still a shoe company, so it isn't suggesting literally running barefoot. Instead, it's marketing a line of running shoes and trainers called Nike Free. The footwear is designed to emulate the motion of running au naturel. I would love to take these for a test drive, but I'm not ready to buy just yet.

read article
Control Your Dreams With Lucid Dreaming
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Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Now that's a big ad!
watch video
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Your Treehouse Sucks

Think you had a cool treehouse when you were a kid? Just like how old, retired men get all the cool cars, they get the best treehouses too. 5 years and $15,000 later, his double-decker (complete with plumbing and electricity) is done. The piece de resistance? A 65-foot bridge connecting to the deck of his existing house.
Care for punch?

When it comes down to it, do you know how to hit someone and make it count? In case you don't here is everything you need to know about punching people in the face.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
BMW has gotten my attention

BMW recently came out with a beautiful new 5 series. I know what you are thinking; big deal they do that every year. Well this year is different they have included a 535d, the "d" standing for diesel.
Why is this different from all the other diesels on the market?
For years people have put done diesels for being sluggish engines, so engineers threw a turbo on it and called it good. Critics still put them down saying "yeah they aren't as sluggish anymore, but now you have 2,000 rpms worth of "turbo lag" where you have to wait for the turbo to spool up in order to have power." This has all changed.
The engine in the 535d is a 3 liter inline 6 cylinder diesel that is accompanied by a bi-turbo system. The bi - turbo or multistage turbo works by having a big and small turbo; the small turbo spools quickly and is at full boost by 1500 rpms (no turbo lag) this is where the big turbo joins in to help out and generates the amazing 413 Ft lbs of torque. That's enough torque to rip a tree out of the ground. Still the car is a 4 door sedan, and one of the quietest diesels for sale, but that doesn't stop it from doing 0-60 mph in 6.5 seconds and averages 39.2 mpg on the highway.
Links to more articles about the BMW 535d
Monday, August 01, 2005
I heart DiggNation.

Diggnation is a podcast where Kevin Rose and Alex Albrecht chat about the most dug stories of the week on the website These two tech journalists sit down once a week try a new beer and discuss hilarious technology stories from around the world. This podcast/videocast has become so popular that they were featured on the ABC news, you can find that video here. This picture comes from the video release of their podcast.
Experts Warn About Powdered Alcohol

read more | digg story
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
The casting for this film was done perfectly especially the part of Willy Wonka, which was played by Johnny Depp. Depp fitted with a bobbed hair cut, pale skin, and teeth bright enough to light up a room, had no trouble making his character high pitched and whimsy.
How does this compare to the original? Well that's a tough question, but I'm glad you asked. The Original film (also based from Roald Dahl's 1964 children's novel) was delightfully filled with a large musical score which made it an instant classic. Now that musicals aren't as common the new film boasts some well choreographed oompa loompa scenes that will make people of all ages chuckle. Gene Wilder vs. Johnny Depp is a match that is forbidden by god so I'm not going to go there. So just go see the movie, I give a 4.5 out of 5 and I guarantee people of all ages will enjoy it.